By Don Willcox
a man
with tan hands
bears a wooden coffin on his head
and threads through undernourished streets
he’s on his way to bury greed, and
threats of death will not deter him
the coffin wears a crown of threaded coffee beans
banana peeling line the grave
panajachel, guatamala
The poems pay tribute to the indigenous people of Guatemala who suffered thorough a brutal war against them in the late 1970’s.
The poems and Kerry Miller’s original woodcuts are hand printed on “Kitakata” papae on “Chiri” paper on 10 point “Kabel” type. The widl fig “Amate” bark covers were meade by in indigenous Otomi people of San Pablito. The cover cutouts by Raphael Lechuga and Phil Sults represent the “baptism” of ideas and seed. . .a rebirth. . .a hope!
The book is available in a facsimile edition.